Using an electroplating process, a rack plater can coat a part with a thin layer of metal. Initially, the surface must be completely purified. Then, a metal-ion solution is spread across the part before submerging it in a container of metal as the cathode. Afterward, an electric current is sent through the liquid, resulting in metal ions being deposited onto the layer of the part.
Rack platers must exercise extreme caution when dealing with parts intended for electroplating, as even a shallow blemish might lead to destruction of the object in question. The most popular metal for the process is copper, but nickel and chromium can occasionally make an appearance as alternatives.
The plater removes the part from the electrolyte solution and rinses it in abundant water to ensure complete cleanliness. This signals the completion of electroplating and the object is readied for its next manufacturing step.
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Post time: 2023-06-29